A Subisidy For Your Wisdom

So, your wisdom teeth have decided they wanna think out of the box.  One wants to grow through your cheek, another wants to head bang into your innocent molar.  When a simple extraction can’t cut it, what can?  A dental saw and dental pliers and dental needle and dental thread of course, it is bone y’know.

The icing on this morbid cake

If you are a Singaporean or a Permanent Resident (PRs have a different rate altogether so do inquire at the respective places you visit), you are entitled to a subsidized rate for wisdom teeth surgery.  And you can use Medisave to pay for it.

The subsidized-medisave route

1.   Find out the subsidized charges for wisdom teeth surgery at your preferred hospital and ask about using Medisave for payment.  These are the 3 that I know of.  Decide which hospital you’d like to have your surgery done at, let the doctor at the polyclinic (step 2) know this so he/she can indicate it in your referral letter.

2.   Make an appointment to see a dentist at any National Healthcare Group Polyclinic that offers dental services.  This visit is just for consultation (approximately $14) to get the referral letter to present to the hospital.  Walk into a hospital without this referral letter and you will be charged a private rate for the surgery.

3.   Once you have your polyclinic appointment date, try to secure an appointment on the same day (but at a time after your polyclinic visit) with your preferred hospital for a consultation and X-ray (approximately $60).  This will shorten the wait time till the actual surgery but of course, it is up to you.

4.   After you have done the X-ray at the hospital, you will be given another date for the surgery.  That’s it.

My 2 trouble makers bagged! (The decayed one broke in 3)